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Slow Down

A resident has informed us that they had a nasty encounter this morning with a fast driving vehicle on the narrow part of Claypit Lane, the driver failed to slow down and the residents had to squeeze into the hedge, waving to him to slow down. The resident said “thank heaven I didn’t have a child or dog with me. Dread to think what would have happened if I was on a horse”.

Other residents have also reported similar incidents, such as on Swan Lane.

Unfortunately, according to studies, most drivers who speed or drive at an inappropriate speed are local or regular use a specific road; for a large portion of Claypit Lane it’s the National Speed Limit, which some people see as a target, rather than drive at a speed that takes into consideration the road condition, environment and potential hazards, such as walkers.

Some motorists want other motorists to slow down, but not them, because they are “good drivers”, and they complain about the enforcement van, but their attitude changes when someone they know gets killed.