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Stop The Quarry

The owners of Wildmoor Quarry seek to expand their operations, which could see the quarry expand closer the village, towards Swan Lane and the properties opposite the Swan Inn. To read the briefing note that was shared with residents in February 2022, CLICK HERE, a summary is below.

An action group is being formed, which currently consists of your local County/District/Parish Councillors, Fairfield Village Community Association, Wildmoor Residents Association and some residents that back onto the proposed extension. The aim of the action group is to support residents that wish to Stop The Quarry expansion.

To contact the Stop The Quarry action group, email

As new information becomes available, this webpage will be updated, and we will also communicate via the Community Association e-Newsletter, Facebook page and hard copy newsletter. In the coming months, public meetings will be held, which we encourage all residents to attend.

We need help to be able to understand the technical bits of the planning application, and to guide us through which planning & mineral extraction points that we can oppose or question. If you have expertise in mineral extraction or planning law, we would value your input. Email:

We also need assistance with our communications, writing updates & press releases, and we also need to raise money to fund the Stop The Quarry campaign. If you can assist Email:

It is understood that it is being claimed by Mr. Parton, who owns the quarry, that Cadnet have no objections to mineral extraction either side of their pipeline. We are trying to clarify, with Cadnet, whether this true.

It is currently envisaged that the planning application will be submitted to the County Council by the end of this year.  Once the planning application is published, we will use our communication channels to notify residents.  We encourage residents to respond to this planning application.

Expansion Summary

In January 2022, Wildmoor Quarry requested a Scoping Opinion with regard their intentions.  In that request, the applicant proposed:

  • continuation of existing activities at the site;
  • extend phased quarrying activities on land to the west and south west measuring approximately 11.29 hectares;
  • to extract approximately 2.6 million tonnes of sand over a 13 year period, equating to approximately 200,000 tonnes per annum;
  • the phased restoration of the site utilising both in-situ material and approximately 3,220,000 tonnes of inert restoration material, equating to approximately 210,000 tonnes per annum over approximately 15 years and 3 months;
  • to include a material recycling facility (MRF) to recover approximately 1,071,000 tonnes of recycled materials from the imported Construction, Demolition & Excavation (CD&E) materials, equating to approximately 70,000 tonnes per annum.

A Community Meeting was held on Wednesday 1st November, a copy of the presentation given (stop the video to read each slide):

At the meeting, Residents enquired about the Parish Council and whether the Council will reaffirm its 2018 decision (which is not legally binding) to not sell or permit mineral extraction on Parish Council owned land, something that FVCA has asked for, so far this request has been declined. If you want the Parish Council to reaffirm it 2018 decision, email the Parish Clerk