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Are you a dog owner?

Are you a dog owner and do you care about their welfare?

Think about what could happen to you and your dog, if it is allowed to be loose around livestock.

West Mercia Police have recently had a number of reports of livestock worrying across North Worcestershire.

Livestock worrying is when loose dogs chase or attack farmed animals and it is a serious problem. Even well-behaved dogs can exhibit predatory behaviour around livestock like sheep or cows. This behaviour can cause the animals to become extremely stressed or injured, and can be fatal.

Livestock worrying isn’t just a risk to animal welfare; it causes significant distress and financial losses to farmers.

Responsible dog ownership is essential in preventing livestock worrying. You should always keep your dog under control and on a lead when around livestock, even if you believe your dog is well trained. This shouldn’t just be considered when out and about with your dogs, you should also remember to ensure that your property or boundaries are secure enough to prevent your dogs escaping and venturing into agricultural land.

As well as an owner being prosecuted for an offence, it is worth remembering that a farmer does have a legal right to shoot a dog in order to protect their property. None of us would like this to happen.

Further information about how to safely enjoy the countryside can be found here:

Slow Down

A resident has informed us that they had a nasty encounter this morning with a fast driving vehicle on the narrow part of Claypit Lane, the driver failed to slow down and the residents had to squeeze into the hedge, waving to him to slow down. The resident said “thank heaven I didn’t have a child or dog with me. Dread to think what would have happened if I was on a horse”.

Other residents have also reported similar incidents, such as on Swan Lane.

Unfortunately, according to studies, most drivers who speed or drive at an inappropriate speed are local or regular use a specific road; for a large portion of Claypit Lane it’s the National Speed Limit, which some people see as a target, rather than drive at a speed that takes into consideration the road condition, environment and potential hazards, such as walkers.

Some motorists want other motorists to slow down, but not them, because they are “good drivers”, and they complain about the enforcement van, but their attitude changes when someone they know gets killed.

Hunt in Pepper Wood

The Albrighton & Woodland held a News Years Day hunt, which included horses and hounds crossing land in our area and entering Pepper Wood, a member of the hunt group claiming that they have had landowners permission.

The Woodland Trust have not given any permission for the hunt to access their land (horses are permitted to use the bridal path), at the least two other landowners have said that they have not given permission, it is unknown whether other landowners have given consent or were aware that the hunt was taking place in the area.

Reports have been received from people visiting Pepper Wood being distressed when faced with a group of horse riders and a pack of hounds, and several people have reported a quad bike driving fast down the bridal path, the rider and his passenger, following the hunt.

The police have been made aware.

If you encountered the hunt in Pepper Wood, please report your sighting to; any photos/videos you have would be appreciated.

If you felt threatened or intimidated, please share your experience by reporting to the police

Yew Tree Lane Planter

A new planter has been made by the Pepper Wood volunteers, using a felled Oak tree, and has been sited next to the Yew Tree Lane junction bench.

The planter, which has been purchased by the Community Association, with support of County Councillor Shirley Webb’s Divisional Fund, will be looked after by community volunteers.

On New Years Eve, volunteers Carol and Geoff added compost and plants, and it is going to look Blooming Lovely.

Flood Management Meeting

Invitation for landowners and farmers – Natural Flood Management in Bournheath and Fairfield

Wednesday 11th December 2024, 09:30—11:30, Bournheath Community Centre, Claypit Lane.

If you own land within the Elmbridge Brook catchment (Bournheath and Fairfield areas), please join us for a meeting to discuss how Natural Flood Management (NFM) techniques could be used locally to reduce flood risk.

Officers from Worcestershire County Council & North Worcestershire Water Management will share experiences of NFM projects elsewhere in the County, and will ask you to annotate maps with areas known to flood or where water often flows off land, and if you know of areas where you think water could be stored for short periods of time.

Also present will be Philippa, a Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer from Natural England. CSF offers free, confidential advice to help manage land productively and sustainably including measures to look after soils – a precious and valuable resource. Taking steps to increase sustainable management practises to prevent both soil erosion and nutrient losses from fields is also key in protecting natural ecosystems. CSF works with farmers and partners across England to produce food in a way that protects water, air and soil, using schemes such as Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 11th December.

On behalf of:

– Bournheath Parish Council,

– Worcestershire County Council

– North Worcestershire Water Management

– Catchment Sensitive Farming

Should Fairfield, Wildmoor & Stoneybridge be a Parish?

Changes to the makeup of Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish Council could further disadvantage the residents of our community. 

Currently we are a Ward within the Parish of Belbroughton & Fairfield, which currently is made up of 8 councillors elected to represent the Belbroughton Ward and 6 councillors elected to represent the Fairfield [Wildmoor & Stoneybridge] Ward.

But all this will soon change, due to a slight redrawing of our internal Parish boundary, and the forecasted electoral numbers in 5 years’ time.

From the Parish Council elections in 2027, the make up of the Council will be 9 Councillors elected to represent Belbroughton and 5 councillors elected to represent Fairfield [Wildmoor & Stoneybridge].

Some residents feel that the reduction in numbers of elected to represent Fairfield [Wildmoor & Stoneybridge] will further disadvantage our community and have asked if it is possible if we could become a Parish on our own, with local decisions being made by our community; there are other communities with similar or smaller populations to ours that are Parish Councils and operate effectively.

Residents have expressed concern that a future redrawing of the Parish or internal Ward boundaries could further disadvantage us, with the forecast population of Belbroughton increasing with future proposed development, and our community not increasing by the same rate due to no/minimal development.

The option for residents is to request a Community Governance Review, which needs to be requested by at least 200 electors living in the Parish.

If a Community Governance Review is requested, and agreed, Bromsgrove District Council will consider several options:

  • Splitting the Parish and creating a new Parish of Fairfield (or whatever name is agreed).  Do we have a population that could sustain a Parish of Fairfield?  The Census 2021 population dataset at Parish level has yet to be made public by the ONS, so we can only go by 2011 census data; the population for Fairfield was 942, our neighbours in Bournheath had a population of 465 and Dodford with Grafton 758.  The nearby Parish of Frankley had a population of 122


  • A revised overall number of Parish Councillors, the overall number proposed could be less than at present (the current number is disproportionately high compared to other Councils).  The Ward allocation would be based – as present – on number of electors.  If the overall Council was reduced to, for example, 8, the allocation may be 5 for Belbroughton, 3 for Fairfield, the difference of 2 would be far better than the proposed difference of 4, or more.

Comparison with other Parish/Town Councils

Currently Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish Council is made up of 14 Councillors (if all seats are taken).  The Parish has 2,582 usual residents as at Census day 2011. 

In comparison, the number of councillors currently on (if all seats filled) and their respective populations for:

  • Evesham Town Council is 24 councillors and 23,428 usual residents as at Census day 2011.
  • Droitwich Spa Town Council is 18 councillors and 23,504 usual residents as at Census day 2011.
  • Pershore Town Council is 15 and 7,065 usual residents as at Census day 2011.
  • Malvern Town Council is 20 and 29,626 usual residents as at Census day 2011.
  • Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Council is 10 and 6,858 usual residents as at Census day 2011.
  • Kidderminster Town Council is 18.  The population for the Kidderminster Built-up area (Census 2011) was 57,059.

It has been suggested that in comparison with other larger population Parish/Town Councils, the makeup of Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish Council is disproportionately high. Councils with populations similar to ours often have 6 to 8 Councillors.

What can YOU do?

The Community Association has agreed to collate the requests and forward them on to Bromsgrove District Council, you can hand in your Community Governance Review request at any of our events or pop it in the Village Hall post-box.  NOTE:  The Governance Review Request can only be signed by those people on the electoral register.

If the Association has received 200 signatures by the deadline of 31st January 2025, we will forward all requests for a Community Governance Review to Bromsgrove District Council.  If the number of required signatures has not been achieved by the deadline date, request forms received will be shredded.

New Village Bench

Thanks to the support of County Councillor Shirley Webb & Worcestershire County Council , the Community Association have been able to install a new bench in Wood Lane. Thanks also to volunteers Nick & Paul for their assistance.

A consultation on ward boundaries for Bromsgrove has begun

Today is the start of a ten-week public consultation, by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, inviting proposals for new council wards and ward boundaries for Bromsgrove District Council.

The consultation will close on 2 December 2024.

After the Commission have considered all representations made to them during this consultation, they intend to publish draft recommendations in May 2025.

The Commission will then hold a further period of consultation on their draft recommendations. The final recommendations are expected to be published in November 2025.

The new electoral arrangements will come into effect at the local elections in 2027.

What is an electoral review?

The electoral review will recommend new electoral arrangements for Bromsgrove District Council. They will propose:

  • the total number of councillors elected to the council in the future;
  • the number of wards;
  • the number of councillors representing each ward;
  • ward boundaries; and
  • the names of wards.

How to get involved

This is a public consultation and the Commission welcomes views from individuals and organisations across Bromsgrove on where they think new ward boundaries should be drawn.

The Commission are minded to recommend that 31 councillors should be elected to Bromsgrove District Council in the future.

This is no change from the current number of councillors.

The Commission are now inviting proposals to help us draw up a pattern of wards to accommodate 31 councillors.

In drawing up new electoral wards, the Commission must balance three legal criteria, namely:

  • to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the district;
  • that the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;
  • that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.

The Commission will treat all submissions equally, and judge each case on its merits and against the legal criteria.

If you wish to put forward a view, the Commission would also urge you to ensure that evidence supports your submission.

For example, if you wish to argue that two areas should be included in the same electoral ward, make sure you tell the Commission why they should be together, providing evidence about community facilities, ties, organisations, and amenities, rather than simply asserting that they belong together.

There is more advice on the Commission’s website about how you can get involved in the consultation.

The Commission’s website features technical guidance that explains the process and their policies, as well as guidance on how to take part in each part of the process.

They have also set up a webpage dedicated to the review of Bromsgrove, where you can find all the relevant information, access interactive maps of the current ward boundaries, and give your views.

Dog Attack Kills Six Sheep

Early morning on Tuesday 10th September, a Fairfield farmers lost 6 sheep due them being attacked by a dog, the police have been informed. This incident has created unnecessary stress on the farmer, as well as financial loss. The injuries to the sheep are so graphic that we are unable to share the images.

PLEASE keep dogs on a lead when walking through fields with livestock. If your dog is found to have attacked or worried livestock you will be prosecuted. If a farmer sees your dog worrying sheep, they can shoot your dog.

Planning Committee to Determine Pinches Planning Application


The above application will be considered by the Planning & Regulatory Committee on Tuesday, 24 September. The meeting will commence at 10.00 am and will be held at Wychavon District Council (Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT).

Unfortunately, the Council Chamber at County Hall, Worcester is not available due to issues associated with RAAC and therefore the meeting is being held at Wychavon District Council Civic Centre.

Could you book a table at a pub?

We need some one to take over the booking of tables and gathering of numbers for our monthly Dining Group for next year; January to November.

Each month the Dining Group different eateries, and this monthly activity has grown to become an enjoyable social occasion, which attracts people of all ages.

Currently, the Dining Group meets on a Monday lunchtime, but this is not set in stone, so if inconvenient for you, we could change when the Dining Group meets.

Support will be available, and there will be cover when you are not available.

If you can help, email

The Swan is Raising Money for Prostate Cancer

The Swan Inn are running a raffle to help raise money and awareness for Prostate Cancer UK.

Any donations are greatly appreciated. If you are interested feel free to pop in.

There are two hampers up for grabs for the winning tickets.

Pauline Wilkes

It is with sadness that we share the news of the death of Pauline Wilkes, wife of Ron Wilkes and former resident of Fairfield.

Pauline was born locally and grew up around Clent, Holy Cross and Fairfield. As a young married couple Ron and Pauline lived in one of the cottages opposite the village hall in Fairfield where their two children Melanie and Jeremy were born. Many years later Pauline and Ron returned to Fairfield and spent many happy years of their retirement living once again here in Fairfield.

Pauline died on Sunday 12th May at the Great Western hospital in Swindon. Details of the funeral arrangements to follow.

Skills and Crafts for Heritage Open Day 2024

For this year’s Heritage Open Days we want to promote skills and crafts, whether that be spinning wool, flower arranging, crochet, or anything else that can be demonstrated and that can also can get people involved.

Initially, demonstrations/skill sharing will take place inside St. Mark’s church, Fairfield, on Saturday 14th September, 10am to 1pm, if there is the demand, we could be looking at the village hall, if it is available. If you have a skill or interest that you would like to share, please be part of this year’s national event.  Email

Bromsgrove District Plan Update – Consultation Summer 2024

See below update that we have received:

The Bromsgrove District Plan is now ready to move onto the next stage. The plan has continued to be developed over recent years with the Strategic Planning teamworking to develop the evidence base and assess all 400+ sites previously submitted to us. The Council is now in a position to announce that we are expecting to publish a consultation document this summer which will set out the planning strategy for Bromsgrove District for the next 15-20 years. The full details including the summer consultation dates will be confirmed shortly.

The Council is still awaiting further information on how the plan making reforms included in the Levelling up and Regeneration Act are to be enacted. Following the summer consultation the Council expects to then progress its plan using the‘new30 month system.’ Once we have this information a full timetable will then be published showing all the stages up to adoption. Please check regularly on the Council’s website for more updates, we would ask kindly that you do not contact the Council requesting further updates – updates will only be provided via the website and emails sent to those registered on our database. This ensures all stakeholders receive the same information at the same time.

Traffic Confusion Starts The Week

An overnight resurfacing of the Stourbridge Road mini-island and the approach roads, which should have started at 7.30pm on Monday 25th March, was brought forward 12 hours, with the road being closed from 7.30am, causing early morning traffic confusion, and increased traffic using narrow lanes across our community.

The Community Association was contacted by several residents, and after liaising with Worcestershire Highways, an update was providing say that the road would reopen at 4pm, in time for evening commuter traffic, and a further closure at 7pm for lines to be painted.

All Smiles at a Challenging AGM

18 residents attended this year’s Community Association AGM & inaugural Community Challenge on 20th March. 

On arrival, residents were given a complementary glass of wine or a glass of beer. The Community Challenge testing their knowledge about Fairfield, Wildmoor & Stoneybridge, and observation skills with a Screen Test round(films/tv programme clips were Lady & the Tramp, Allo Allo and Blackadder Goes Fourth).

In between the two rounds there was alight supper of cheese and nibbles.

After a very brief AGM, which saw the committee elected for the year ahead, everyone enjoyed a game of Rock n Roll Bingo, the category TV theme tunes.

Thank you to those residents who came, supporting the community where they live.

The Committee elected for the year:

The committee shall consist of a chairman, treasurer and secretary and up to three other members with power toco-opt up to three other members to the committee as and when it sees fit.”

Chairperson:  Conrad Palmer

Secretary: Carole Morris

Treasurer: Yvonne Watton      

Officers: Mary Gibbs, Sue Wilkes, Geoff Cotterill

Co-option: Carol Brogan

There is space on the committee to a co-opt a further two people, if you would like to join us, do speak to us or email  There are 4 committee meetings a year.

To view the minutes, and the 2023 annual report & accounts visit

FVCA Annual General Meeting 2024

Are you up for our Community Challenge?

Three fun rounds, prizes, wine & nibbles, plus a 10 minute AGM, on Wednesday 20th March 7.30pm at the Village Hall

During the very brief AGM, annual report and accounts will be presented, and the committee for the year ahead will be elected. If you would like to help shape our community and deliver social activities, why not join the team?

For documents relating to this year’s AGM, CLICK HERE

Anonymous Letter Received

The Community Association has received another anonymous letter.  If residents wish to raise issues within the community, it would be appreciated if they do not make the letter anonymous.

In a letter received in February, the sender raises issues with parking and wreaths at the War Memorial.

The Community Association continues to ask for considerate parking.  The Community Association can only encourage and not enforce.  Any illegal parking or obstructions to the footpath (at the time when you are using the footpath) is a policing matter.  Parking in general, relating to the highway, is a County Council responsibility, and should be addressed to the local Divisional County Councillor, who for Fairfield, Widmoor & Stoneybridge, who is Cllr. Shirley Webb.

For approximately 7 years, wreaths at the War Memorial have been removed on 1st January of each year.  Previously, there was uncertainty when wreaths should be removed, and some residents had noted that the wreaths were starting to look weathered and dirty, which some people found disrespectful.

At that time, in response to the comments received, consultations took place at residents meetings, with St. Mark’s church and with the Parish Council.  The Royal British Legion was also consulted, they said:

“There is no guidance as to how long wreaths should remain at memorials after Remembrance Sunday. In some places they are removed after weeks, in others after months.”

A further enquiry with the Royal British Legion suggested removing wreaths after Christmas.

At the base of the War Memorial daffodils grow, to reduce the likelihood of treading on the emerging daffodils, it was agreed by all parties that wreaths should be removed on New Years Day.

It is appreciated that other communities may have adopted other protocols.

The Community Association has a history of respecting and remembering those people who have served this country and all people who have died in armed conflicts.  The Association, in partnership with St. Mark’s, coordinates the Remembrance Sunday service, has cleaned & registered the War Memorial and supports the Commonwealth War Graves Commission when their volunteers visit the village.  The Association also pegs down the wreaths that have been laid; prior to this, wreaths used to blow into the road, and get run over and damaged by passing vehicles.

If the person who has written to us wishes to discuss, or change, local protocols we are willing to listen, any changes would need consultation and agreement with residents and stakeholders.

It would be nice to regularly clean the War Memorial, to stop the buildup of dirt, etc.  If the sender of the letter is willing to assist with this, your help will be appreciated.

Wildmoor Oak Update

STAR PUBS AND BARS, who own The Wildmoor Oak, are working to reopen the venue, and they are advertising for a tenant. A refurbishment of the pub has been planned.

Star Pubs & Bars is part of HEINEKEN UK and the vast majority of our 2,400 pubs are leased out to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

They claim that their ambition is to Build Britain’s Best Pub Company by attracting and retaining the best operators, and investing to create great pubs at the heart of their communities.

When refurbished, the aspiration is that the Wildmoor Oak will offer:

• A high-quality, focused range of drinks including favourite lagers, spirits and wines

• A fantastic food menu

• Coffee and Wi-Fi

• Entertainment as part of the rhythm of the week

The planned complete refurbishment will include a new bar, the addition of a Snug, and a complete redecoration.

The pub exterior, lighting and signage will be refreshed to position it as an attractive community pub. The transformation will enhance site visibility, highlight the pub’s offering and complement the new look of the interior.

A planning application has been submitted to Bromsgrove District for new external signage, including an illuminated, hanging, pub sign.

Oil Buying Scheme

Become a member of Community First’s Herefordshire & Worcestershire Community Oil Buying Scheme!

Great value and convenience.

In 2013, Community First set up a bulk buying group for heating oil for anyone in the two counties.  The scheme keeps money in the local economy, builds a greater sense of community and cooperation and helps tackle fuel costs.  Over the years, with hundreds of members, we have saved many thousands of pounds across both counties. 

How does it work?

At the end of each month we collate orders placed by our members and negotiate with a number of suppliers.  Our savings are often between 2p and 4p a litre against the average English price and can be much more against local individual quotes.  Our prices are the same for 500 as for 1500 litres, which is good for spreading your costs.
To register your interest or ask a question please contact  or ring Richard on 07515 881231.

Membership costs £20 per year.  We are very happy to work with established local groups too for instance by sharing good practice and energy efficiency tips.  Community First will negotiate on your behalf with the oil suppliersThe best deal will be securedYou pay the supplier direct for the oil they deliverDeadlines for orders are approximately around the 26th-28th of each monthTo become a member please contact

Boundary Review for County Council Divisions

A consultation on draft recommendations for division boundaries in Worcestershire has begun

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has today (10th January) published draft recommendations for new divisions, division boundaries, and division names for Worcestershire County Council.

The Commission are now inviting comments on those recommendations.

The consultation closes on 18 March 2024

Draft Recommendations Report

Draft Recommendations Map

Summary of Draft Recommendations

Have your say

You can take part in the consultation by CLICKING HERE or through the Commission’s website, which includes further information about the Commission and the review.

The Commission encourages everyone who has a view on the draft recommendations to contact them, whether you support them or whether you wish to propose alternative arrangements.

The Commission will consider every representation received during consultation, whether it is submitted by an individual, a local group or an organisation.

They will weigh each submission against the legal criteria which we must follow when drawing up electoral arrangements:

·       to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the county;

·       that the pattern of divisions should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;

·       that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.

It is important that you take account of the criteria if you are suggesting an alternative pattern of divisions.

If you wish to put forward a view, they would also urge you to ensure that evidence supports your submission.

For example, if you wish to argue that two areas should be included in the same electoral division, make sure you tell them why they should be together, providing evidence about community facilities, ties, organisations, and amenities, rather than simply asserting that they belong together.

The Commission’s website features technical guidance that explains the process and their policies, as well as guidance on how to take part in each part of the process.

Street Watch: Join the scheme today

Would you like to help keep your community safe, get some exercise, and meet new people?

West Mercia Police are looking for more volunteers to join our Fairfield Street Watch scheme.

As a Street Watch volunteer, you will walk your local streets in groups and provide reassurance and engagement with local issues that matter most. While you will have no police powers, you will work directly with local policing teams to report any issues noticed during your walks.

Becoming a Street Watch Volunteer is a fantastic way to help keep your community safe, to meet new people in our community who share the same values, to improve community engagement with the police, and to keep fit and healthy.

If you’re also interested in becoming a Street Watch member you can learn more by clickinghere.

Or email the team directly:

Share the road: cyclist and pedestrian safety awareness for drivers

UK roads are governed by the Highway Code. This extensive list of rules ensures the safety of every road user, not just drivers. The code is constantly being revised and updated, which is why it’s vital for all drivers – regardless of how much experience they have – to stay abreast of the latest rules. It’s important that everyone plays their part in keeping our roads a safe place for all, and this starts with educating ourselves about the rules of the road. 

This informative guide produced by Compare the Market is a great resource to refer to for anyone looking to understand more about how we can interact with each other more safely on the streets. It includes practical advice on how drivers can be more considerate to horse riders, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as outlining the latest rules around the hierarchy of road users. According to 2020 data, more than 4,000 cyclists were seriously injured on UK roads. Minimising this number by following recommended safety advice is important to helping everyone to feel safer whether you’re getting behind the wheel or on the saddle. 

Whenever we take to the roads, we’re not only responsible for our own safety, but also for that of anyone we share the space with. By following government guidelines and adopting good driving habits, motorists can play their part in reducing the number of road collisions and injuries we see each year.


Community Falls Silent at Service of Remembrance

A well attended Service of Remembrance this morning, which was held inside the Village Hall.

Wreaths were laid by the Parish Council (Cllr. Gibbs), Community Association (by a child, Miss Jessie Gibson), West Mercia Police (PCSO Cadwallader), Fairfield Women’s Institute (Mrs. Cotterill) & Fairfield First School (child & headteacher, Mr. Scott Smith).

Following the service, members of the community enjoyed refreshments.

The collection raised £134.30, which will be donated to the Royal British Legion

Thanks to all volunteers involved with the service and serving refreshments.

Litter Picks to Continue

Thanks to Keith & Carol, who have volunteered to coordinate litter picks, our Community Litter Picks will continue in 2024.

A deputy is needed for when Keith & Carol are on holiday. Can someone help with this?

The next Community Litter Pick will be on Saturday 13th January 10.30am.

Monthly Litter Picks To Stop

As nobody has come forward to coordinate our Community Litter Picks, and with dwindling volunteers, the last outing for the Fairfield Wombles will be on Saturday (11th November) 10.30am, meet outside the Village Hall.

Everyone is welcome to give our community one last Fight The Grot, it’s only one hour of your time.

It is disappointing, after 7 1/2 years, that litter picking is coming to an end, but we have been struggling for far too long with lack of support, with 3 to 6 volunteers, or is it that people living in the community are content with how it once was, with litter along our roads & open spaces and in our ditches.

Community Meeting: Wildmoor Quarry Expansion

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday evening’s Community Meeting (1st November), we hope you found the information informative.  

The village website’s STOP THE QUARRY webpage has been updated, and now includes a copy of the slides, please make sure your neighbours are aware of what could be happening, and start thinking of your consultation response.

Once the planning application has been published we will make the community aware via our online communication channels.

At the meeting, Residents enquired about the Parish Council and whether the Council will reaffirm its 2018 decision (which is not legally binding) to not sell or permit mineral extraction on Parish Council owned land, something that FVCA has asked for, so far this request has been declined.
An extract from the 2018 minutes is below.  The approved motion is not legally binding and can be revisited after a period of time, i.e. now.
If you want the Parish Council to reaffirm it 2018 decision, please lobby the Parish Council by emailing the Parish Clerk

Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish CouncilMinutes 3rd September2018
244/18 Emerging Minerals Local Plan (4th County Council call for sites)

Council considered the proposals from the owner of Wildmoor Quarry for inclusion of parish council land in order to extend minerals extraction in the locality which had been presented to council in July 2018 and, local quarrying in general and the effects on the local community.

A motion was proposed: ‘’This council refuses to give its consent to quarrying of its land located near to Wildmoor quarry, without any further consideration of the financial and environmental implications of this decision.”

The motion was approved by seven votes in favour and one vote against.The Council further agreed that no further action would be taken on the matter.

Pinches Quarry – Further Consultation

Further Information (Regulation 25) – Extraction of sand and gravel and subsequent infilling with inert waste at Pinches (4) Quarry, Wildmoor – Ref: 19/000056/CM

Re-Consultation on a Planning Application (County Matter)
Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)

Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017

Submission of Further Information in respect of the Environmental Statement relating to the following planning application

Application Ref:    19/000056/CM         Grid Ref:   (E) 396794 (N) 275686

Applicant:             Mr Timmins

Proposal:              Extraction of sand and gravel and subsequent infilling with inert waste to achieve full restoration 

Location:              Pinches (4) Quarry, Wildmoor Lane, Wildmoor, Bromsgrove, B61 0QN

On 7 January 2020, Mr Timmins applied to Worcestershire County Council for planning permission for the above proposal. The County Council sought comments on this planning application from 29 January 2020 until 4 March 2020, from 21 April 2021 until 2 June 2021 and from 4 May 2022 until 8 June 2022.

Following the consideration of the comments that were received on the application and Environmental Statement, the Mineral Planning Authority wrote to the applicant on 9 August 2022, 16 August 2022 and 23 January 2023 requesting further information in respect of the Environmental Statement. On 26 May 2023, 20 June 2023 and 15 September 2023, the applicant wrote to Worcestershire County Council submitting further information in relation to the Environmental Statement regarding a minor amendment to the red line boundary and a number of matters, including: access and highways, landscape and visual amenity, ecology and climate change. The County Council are now seeking comments on this further information.

The further information, together with the planning application, the plans, the Environmental Statement, Non-Technical Summary and relevant documents are available to view on using application reference: 19/000056/CM. When searching by application reference, please ensure that the full application reference number, including the suffix are entered into the search field.

Please email your comments to

I would be grateful for any comments you may have on the above application by 22 November 2023. If this is not possible please let me know. If you have already commented on this application, and if I do not hear from you by this date I will assume your comments remain unchanged.

Please note that all correspondence regarding any planning application will be available for inspection by the applicant and any interested third parties.

Marta Dziudzi-Moseley (she/her)
Principal Planner – Development Management
Directorate of Economy and Infrastructure
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall, Spetchley Road

Fairfield Village Clock Restored

Smith of Derby Clockmakers Proudly Restores Copper Dial for St. Mark’s Church, Fairfield

Smith of Derby is pleased to announce the successful restoration of the copper dial at St. Mark’s Church in Fairfield. The project was led by our Complex Projects Manager, Martin Butchers, who oversaw the refurbishment.

During the initial inspection we discovered that the copper dial had been dislodged by the wind. Traditional wooden plugs and slotted screws were found to have been used originally to attach the dial to the wall, and with weathering over many years these had become loose.

The restoration process involved: a faithful restoration of the dial to its original black colour, with gold leaf and hands; the provision and installation of one of our clock movements, replacing the previous one; and significant improvement to the attachment method of the dial to St. Mark’s Church, ensuring the dial’s stability and safeguarding it against future dislodgment. In response to the desire of the Church’s representatives to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III, as well as the life of service given by our late Queen, Elizabeth II, the Royal cyphers of both monarchs have been painted onto the dial.

“We take great pride in the work we do at Smith of Derby and it has been a privilege to work on the dial at St Mark’s Church” said Martin Butchers. “This project ensures the dial’s longevity and functionality for the future.”

For further information about this project or interviews, please contact us at

About Smith of Derby Clockmakers:

Smith of Derby specialises in the restoration and preservation of historic timepieces. Founded in 1856, our team of horologists is dedicated to safeguarding iconic clocks around the UK and the world.

About the Fairfield Clock

The clock was first installed in 1953, in the coronation year of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, with the present reinstallation in the year of His Majesty’s Coronation.  To mark these historical events Royal cyphers have been added to the restored clock.

The restoration work was required as the clock had stopped working and had fallen from its position at the west end of the church.

Often incorrectly assumed to be the Church’s Clock, it is a Public Clock that, like in many communities across the country, is attached to the tallest building, which at the time was often a church.

According to a Bromsgrove Messenger report in 1953 “The Coronation Committee decided that a clock costing £10 be put in the wall of the Church where all could see it”.  A plaque attached to the wall below the clock (below) reads “The clock in this church was installed by the people of Fairfield and District to commemorate the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II June 2nd 1953”.

The cost of the clock refurbishment is over £8000 and has partly been funded by Mrs. Margaret Must in memory of her husband, Chris, however, more money is needed to pay the balance of the refurbishment bill. (above photo, Mrs. Must with Rev. Canon Wyn Beynon at the service of rededication)

Wyn Beynon, Priest in Charge at St. Mark’s, said  “The clock face looking out on to the village is a shared community asset. It may be on the church building, but it was put there by the village for everyone, and indeed was originally paid for by public subscription. We hope you will appreciate the skill of the makers, and those who have beautifully restored the face. It has still got an electric mechanism (it was never clockwork) and this new one is exactly the same type as is installed in clocks in Middle Eastern deserts and Siberian snows… but we hope it’s up to British weather! If you are interested in contributing to the cost – please contact one of the church members or me at”.

Pilates Starting 15 October

Pilates at Fairfield Village Hall with Dance With Nikki

Starting Sunday 15th October 10am to 10.45 am followed by a 15 minute social, this activity is being supported by Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire’s Our Community Can project

See below poster for details.

National Recognition For Fairfield Village Community Association

Earlier this year, Fairfield Village Community Association was nominated for the 2023 Neighbourhood Watch Network National Volunteer Recognition Awards for the category COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLBEING.

This category celebrates Neighbourhood Watch groups and Coordinators who have gone the extra mile to look out for the needs of their neighbours and neighbourhood.

On the 1st of September, the Community Association was notified that Neighbourhood Watch had received over 270 nominations and, after being shortlisted, judges had decided that our Community Association is a winner.

This is a huge achievement for our community. Congratulation to all our amazing volunteers and supporters for being part of our success, without you, none of our initiatives could be delivered that helps to enhance community cohesion, reduce loneliness & social isolation, and improve our environment.  So, whether you are a litter picker, tree planter, look after the flower beds, deliver newsletters, serve behind the bar, help with marketing, coordinate one of our initiatives, report suspicious activity or attend one of activities, thank you.

Our thanks also to the trustees of Fairfield Village Hall for use of our community building that allows community events to take place, and to all our partners.

The awards ceremony is being held at The Wellcome Collection in London on Wednesday 20th September.  Alan & Sarah Gormley will receive this award on behalf of our community.

Save Money & Juice Your Apples

It is that time of year again, over the next couple of months, the trees in our gardens will be laden with fruit, but what can you do with your excess apples (& pears)?

Why not juice them?

Do you have some apples with which you would like to make apple juice or cider?

A villager has offered to scrat and to press apples in return for a contribution to Fairfield Village Community Association. If you are interested please call Robert on 07793 307500 to arrange a mutually convenient time when you can have your apples pressed.

The Association needs financial support so please take up Robert’s offer and help the Community Association. Thank you

A search online suggests that it costs at least 60p a litre to have someone squeeze your apples and put the juice in your containers.

Our Community Can – Activity Taster Day

Thank you to everyone who responded to the Activity Taster Day consultation, in total, there were 48 responses.

The suggested activities that scored the highest votes, we have tried to organise a taster session with an instructor. The below image details the activities that will be taking place on the 3rd September.

The sessions are open to EVERYONE, you do not have to live in Fairfield, Wildmoor or Stoneybridge.

Our thanks to Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire for organising this day for you.

You can attend the whole day, or for a session or two. You could just pop along for the HOMEMADE CAKES.

At the end of the Taster Day, YOU will decide which activity or activities should continue and when.

In addition to providing activity suggestions, some people used the consultation to leave comments, to prove that we do read your comments, we have provided some responses, please do get in touch, and help us deliver the solution:

“More distribution locally of flyers detailing whatsoever. Too many people do not know about Fairfield Village Hall events.” 

As community events & village hall activities are mentioned in the FVCA newsletter, which is delivered to approximately 380 homes in our community every quarter, what additional information would you like to see in the event flyer?  Is it a reminder flyer, and how often should it be delivered?  If additional flyers are to be printed & distributed, we would need to recruit more volunteers.

“Daytime Activities cannot be attending by a lot of people who work. Looking at photos that appear on facebook etc. it would appear that most of the people who attend are retired.”

Every evening at the Village Hall activities take place, as well as increasing number of Wednesday afternoon activities.  We also have cover bands & some of the region’s best indie artists perform at our village hall every month on a Saturday night, movies on a Sunday evening, plus event cinema, with screenings on the same day & time as the major UK cinema chains.  It is true, most of the people that we attract are either Over 50 who live locally or young adults (25 to 35 yrs) that live outside our area.  To increase the number of local 25- to 45-year-olds is something that we can encourage and would like, perhaps if local younger adults could get involved, others will also join in.  If there is an activity that you would like to see that would attract young adults, please suggest and help organize. Facebook does not show photographs for all activities that take place, and the people attending.  Some activities are delivered by third party organisations.

“We need extra social gathering for the elderly as there are none in Fairfield on a daily basis.”

We would love to have more activities for all age groups, but venues are limited.  We are hoping that the Taster Day will help us identify more than one additional activity that we could deliver in our community, hopefully reaching out to all age groups.  Please pop along to The Wednesday Social, and encourage other older people to do the same, tell us what you want (we note you not did tick any of the boxes) and what you will support. 

Heritage Open Days

As part of this year’s Heritage Open Days, St. Mark’s will be opening its doors & hosting a musical performance, and in the village hall a film charting the history of Bromsgrove will be screened. In neighbouring Dodford, there with be guided tours of the Charterist Cottage, Rosedene.

Saturday 9th September

St. Mark’s will be open from 9.30am, and there will be a special performance at 10am by the Roaming Villeins, something not to be missed.  

Sunday 10th September

St. Mark’s will once again be open for two hours from 3pm, and at 5pm there will be a special screening of “Looking Back At Bromsgrove” in the village hall. 

The film explores the origins of the town and follows its growth from a thriving medieval market centre, an important stage coaching town, the nail-making capital of Britain, to the bustling residential town of today.

The town’s more recent past is brought to life with stories from the archives of Berrows Journal and the Bromsgrove Messenger, which provide a unique commentary on local events – as they actually happened – and a rare insight into the everyday lives of local people in times gone by.

The film contains a wonderful collection of old photographs, a unique map of 18th century Bromsgrove, archive film, and up to date footage. This entertaining journey through time is produced by Britain on Film.  Admission to the see the film is free, as seating limited, booking is advisable to avoid disappointment

Guided Tour of Rosedene

Rosedene, Victoria Road, Dodford, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9BU

Join a guided tour of Rosedene, a mid 19th-century Chartist cottage in Worcestershire.

Born out of social injustice, Rosedene is a peaceful symbol of working class political and social aspirations. The cottage and its four-acre plot are the only surviving example of the Chartist dream of land ownership and therefore the vote for men.

Discover the history of Rosedene and the stories of the people that lived there on a tour with a knowledgeable guide. Tours last for one hour and take visitors around the cottage, followed by a gentle stroll around the garden and orchard with one of Rosedene’s gardeners.

Event Times
Friday 8 September: Tour 1400
Sunday 10 September: Tour 1100 & 1300
Wednesday 13 September: Tour 1100 & 1300
Friday 15 September: Tour 1100 & 1300
Sunday 17 September: Tour 1100 & 1300

To book a place on one of the tours CLICK HERE

Introducing the “8 Hills” Regional Park

The National Trust is working on proposals for the creation of a 12,000 hectare (47 square mile) ‘regional park’, centred along the 8 Hills between Clent and Weatheroak in North Worcestershire.

Bromsgrove District Council are being encouraged, by heritage & wildlife groups, and other stakeholders, including Fairfield Village Community Association, to include 8 Hills in their local plan, which is currently being reviewed. BDC are now actively considering 8 Hills for inclusion and are engaged in the development of a spatial framework looking at opportunities.

The overall vision for the 8 Hills Regional Park is to improve access to the countryside for local communities, create additional income opportunities for farmers, and improve wildlife corridors and heritage features.  The regional park would help to ensure that any development doesn’t reduce or cut off access to the countryside for local communities.

Interested in learning more about 8 Hills Regional Park?  Please visit

8 Hills Regional Park survey

The National Trust is exploring the creation of a new regional park within Bromsgrove, creating more spaces for wildlife and for you to enjoy, for background see our article Introducing the “8 Hills” Regional Park

They would like to hear your views on projects for people and nature in the regional park, and how getting around the area could be improved.

They are inviting you to share your views at Lickey Hills Country Park on Friday 11th August, 12 noon – 5 pm, and at The Beaches event, Kings Norton on Saturday 12th August, 10 am – 4 pm to capture your comments and ideas. Please come and visit their stand.

Too busy to attend? You can have your say by completing an online survey and interactive map. You can find this here 8 Hills Regional Park Spatial Framework Consultation ( It will be available until Monday 4th September.

Want to know more about the 8 Hills Regional Park? You can find out more about National Trust’s ideas at

Thank you for taking part.

Our Community Can – Activity Day

We have been approached by Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire to help fund and deliver a new activity in our village hall.

The chosen activity will be for all adult age groups.

The plan is to hold a FREE taster day at Fairfield Village Hall on the 3rd September 2023 to try out a variety of different activities to see what we all like.

We would appreciate your feedback in our online survey. All responses will remain confidential and secure. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights. Your input will be used to ensure that we continue to meet your needs. We appreciate your trust and look forward to serving you in the future.

We have contracted with QuestionPro, an independent research firm, to field your confidential survey responses. Please click on this link to complete the survey:

Please contact with any questions.

Stop The Quarry

An action group is being formed, and we need help to be able to understand the technical bits of the planning application, and to guide us through which planning & mineral extraction points that we can oppose or question. If you have expertise in mineral extraction or planning law, we would value your input. Email:

For further information with regard what could soon be happening visit

Enhancing the Recreation Ground

At Saturday’s Foodie Fairfield parishioners will have the opportunity to view & make comment on the Parish Council’s ideas to enhance the Recreation Ground.

There will be further opportunities to view the recreation ground plan at the recreation ground on:

  • Thursday 6th July at 2pm for a Tai Chi taster session
  • Wednesday 12th July (3pm) at the Walking Rounders taster session and
  • Sunday 9th July at the Community picnic event.

Please do come along to view, discuss and comment on the suggested changes which will be subject to funding availability, views of the parishioners and Parish Council consent.

Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish Council

Village Picnic 2023

9th July 2pm – 3pm

With Professor Chandler’s PUNCH AND JUDY Show

Plus friendly competitive races and games

The Wednesday Social: Madagascar – Lemurs and Whales

Wednesday 14th June 2.00pm, Fairfield Village Hall
Madagascar is a remarkable place and our guest speaker, Ian Johnston, will takes us through the central and eastern region of this Indian Ocean Island, as he treks in the rainforest to spot some of the 100+ species of lemurs both in the mountains and down to the coast.
Ian will also take you to a small island off the east coast to see the humpback whales performing their spectacular breaching.
The Wednesday Social is FREE admittance and is open to anyone.

Fairfield Court Update

As many of you are aware, the site of Fairfield Court has over one thousand years of history.  Work is taking place to renovate the house and restore the grounds.

The owners of Fairfield Court are in the process of “opening up” and welcoming the community to the grounds, hosting some events and offering volunteering opportunities.

If you are interested in Fairfield Court and what to keep up to date with progress at the house, join the Friends of Fairfield Court Facebook Group

Chris Lewis from Fairfield Court said ‘The Advert Window event late last year was a great first step for the old house and as mentioned that night, and now the weather is improving, we are kern to push on with welcoming more people to Fairfield Court and opening up this beloved project to those that want to get involved and leave their own footprints in the Houses great history.

We will be organising some open house and garden events, so please join our “Friends of Fairfield Court” group and stay tuned. We believe the house and grounds are wonderful spaces to come and spend time and enjoy the fruits of any labour and expertise our local community can offer!

In particular, we would dearly love to reconnect previous visitors, friends and workers from Fairfield Court with the house and grounds, especially as we try and piece together the estates recent and distant history.

So, please join our group, stay tuned and feel free to come and join us whenever you are passing to see just what we are trying to create for Fairfield Court and its local community.’

Fuchsia Roadshow Coming to Fairfield

Hello Fuchsia lovers and gardeners interested in growing these wonderful flowering plants.

The FUCHSIA ROAD SHOW will be visiting Fairfield Village Hall on SUNDAY 23 APRIL 2023.

It is a FREE event and the programme, detailing Times, Topics and Speakers, is below.

For newcomers to this wonderful hobby, this event is promoted by the British Fuchsia Society (BFS); the Speakers are all Top Class not only in their chosen topic but all aspects of Fuchsia cultivation.

There will be opportunity to ask questions ranging from the basics for Beginners to the more advanced queries by Experienced Growers.  It is a great opportunity to learn new ideas and techniques.


10.00 am Arrival.

10.30am Welcome, Introduction, opening address.

10.40 -11.20 Presentation: Geoff Oke: Encliandras.

11.30-12.40 Presentation: Arthur Phillips Fuchsia General

13.00- 14.00 Lunch.

14.00-14.30 Presentation: Nancy Phillips Bonsai fuchsias

14.45-16.00 Presentation: John Nicholass Standard Fuchsias

16.15 Thank You & Raffle.

16.30 Close.

There will be a BFS Sales table with information. Books Leaflets and other items. Plus a chance to join the National Society.

Entry is free open to everyone. Come for the day or just drop in to hear your favourite topic.

For further information Contact Arthur Phillips. 01527 870012 or 07774820146. E mail