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Village Hall

Pilates Starting 15 October

Pilates at Fairfield Village Hall with Dance With Nikki

Starting Sunday 15th October 10am to 10.45 am followed by a 15 minute social, this activity is being supported by Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire’s Our Community Can project

See below poster for details.

Village Hall AGM 2023

You are invited to join us for the Village Hall AGM, to received reports & accounts, and to elect the Committee who will manage the building on behalf of the local community

Wednesday 5th July 7pm

Halloween Event Success

Thanks to everyone who supported our Halloween brewery event and/or screening of BEETLEJUICE on Saturday 29th October

Our grateful thanks to Woodcote Brewery and Banners.

Halloween 2022

Join us for a SPOOKY SATURDAY at the Village Hall on 29th October from 3pm, our friends at Woodcote Brewing will be around the cauldron brewing something special and launching their new beer, there will also be something tasty, plus the Monster Mash and in the evening a screening of BEETLEJUICE (certificate 12A), starting at 9.30pm (to see the film there will be a charge of £5.00 per person).

Keep your afternoon and evening free.  It is going to be a FRIGHTFULLY nice event for you to SCREAM AT…oops, we mean enjoy.

For Advance Film tickets CLICK HERE

Village Hall AGM

At the Village Hall AGM that was held on Wednesday 6th July, accounts & reports were presented. To view accounts & reports CLICK HERE

The following persons were re-elected as trustees:

  • Geoff Cotterill
  • Mary Gibbs
  • Alan Mabbett
  • Conrad Palmer
  • John Woodall

The following persons, nominated by their respective service user groups, will also serve as a trustee:

  • Glenn Jones (Sequence Dancing)
  • Linda Garvin (Women’s Institute)
  • Sharon Shorthouse (Preschool)
  • Ann Waldron (Line Dancing)

Following the AGM, a full Committee Meeting was held, at which Geoff Cotterill was elected by members to serve as Chair of the Trustees.

Village Hall AGM 2022

Management Committee Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 6th July 2022, 7.30pm, Fairfield Village Hall


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Approval of minutes of last Annual General Meeting
  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Receive Examined Annual Accounts
  6. 200 Club Administrator’s Report
  7. Questions from the floor
  8. Election of Ordinary Members (six)
  9. Noting Representative Members (one per listed user group)
    • Pre-school
    • Welcome Club
    • Sequence Dancing
    • Women’s Institute
    • St. Mark’s Church
    • Fairfield Village Community Association
    • National Vegetable Society
    • Fairfield Dazzlers – Line Dancing
    • Verve Marshal Arts

Village Hall News – February 2022

Message to Hall Users

In March, after more than 2 years, the monthly evening Bingo sessions resume at the Village Hall, providing a much-enjoyed activity for some of the elderly in our community, and later this month we welcome back WMGA for their committee meetings. We look forward to seeing some bird shows at the hall later in the year.

We really do appreciate the many adjustments you have had to make over the past two years – and continue to make – to help deliver safe activities at Fairfield Village Hall.

Keeping the hall clean and tidy is a chore, especially after delivering an exhausting activity (I know, sometimes I just want to go home). Occasionally we receive comments from hall users regarding the state of the hall when they arrive, usually the floor has not been properly swept. PLEASE sweep and tidy the hall, as well as empty bins, when your session has ended. Please use the large scissor-brook to sweep the hall, then use a dustpan & brush to sweep up the bits.

Towards the end of last year, our gas contract came to an end and as the hall is classed as a business for energy supply, we had no choice but to agree to a three-year fixed contract at a much higher price. Our Treasurer has calculated, over the next three years, our gas bill will increase by £3000, based upon our current consumption. When we review hall hire charges in June/July is it very likely that rates will rise in January 2023. As always, we will do our best to keep our rates affordable and offer good value.

In 2019, it was our intention to refurbish the toilets and cloakroom, and due to the pandemic, work was postponed to 2021, then to 2022. Material prices are currently very high and so work will, once again, be postponed until 2023 (fingers crossed) when, hopefully, the price of materials will have started to come down and be less volatile.

We will still do some minor works & improvements this year, and it is our intention to replace all the radiator fire guards and the broken parking posts in the service road. Other works for the year include replacing the Barton Room fire exit & decluttering the Boiler Room.

We are changing our internet contract to a cheaper and improved package offering ultra-fast broadband speeds, and so a new hub will be needed, with a new password, which I will post on the noticeboard.

Managing the Village Hall is not always easy, and there are many rules & regulations that we have to abide by, some of our policies that we have adopted are on the internal noticeboard, and all are on our website Another policy that we must have – and we are currently drafting – is an Environmental Policy, which will require your support to make it work, Further details will be shared with you in due course.

And finally, thank you for using Fairfield Village Hall, creating a vibrant, multi-use venue that brings people together, provides purposeful activities that reduces social isolation, loneliness and improves mental & physical well-being.


Chairman – Fairfield Village Hall

New Website & Email Addresses for Village Hall

The new Village Hall website is live, to view visit

Contact Email addresses are:




Booking Secretary  



Members of the 200 club buy one or more numbers which go into a monthly draw. There are 200 numbers in total. The subscription is only £1 per month for each number. Over the course of the year £1500 is given out as prizes and the remainder (up to £900) goes into Fairfield Village Hall funds. Twice per year the top monthly prize is £200.

You may have been resident in the Fairfield area for a number of years and never got around to joining or you may be new to the village.

Either way, please consider giving your support by joining the 200 Club. Most members pay £12 annually for each number.

Further details and application forms can be found on the website  Alternatively, please contact the Administrator (details below).

If you wish to join the 200 Club, please take the completed form(s) and subscriptions to the Administrator or contact her and she will collect them.

The 200 Club Administrator is

Linda Garvin

83 Brook Road


01527 834935

Funeral – Jack Eades

A private funeral for Jack Eades will take place at St. Mark’s on Friday 21st August, 11.30am

To comply with government guidelines only the family can enter Church Grounds during the service.

General Public are asked to remain on the footpath away from the gate, Socially Distanced.

The Village Hall car park will be open for people attending the service.

Village Hall Gates

In response to anti-social behaviour and illegal activities, which has involved the police, the Village Hall trustees will be installing gates at the entrance & exit to the car park and parking post in the service road.

Gates will only to be opened for the duration of the hire period and will be locked at the end of each hire. This will prevent unauthorised vehicles accessing the car park and deter anti-social & illegal activities, which have included drug dealing.

To restrict vehicle movements during a hire period, hirers will be allowed to shut the gates.

With several users reporting near misses of vehicles using the service road to do a “u-turn” and an intervention by the local police, posts will be installed prohibiting vehicle access. The posts will only be retracted for emergency vehicles or with the authorisation of the trustees.

The Village Hall trustees appreciate that the gates may inconvenience some motorists, however, our duty is to provide a safe venue for Hall users.