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Village Hall Gates

In response to anti-social behaviour and illegal activities, which has involved the police, the Village Hall trustees will be installing gates at the entrance & exit to the car park and parking post in the service road.

Gates will only to be opened for the duration of the hire period and will be locked at the end of each hire. This will prevent unauthorised vehicles accessing the car park and deter anti-social & illegal activities, which have included drug dealing.

To restrict vehicle movements during a hire period, hirers will be allowed to shut the gates.

With several users reporting near misses of vehicles using the service road to do a “u-turn” and an intervention by the local police, posts will be installed prohibiting vehicle access. The posts will only be retracted for emergency vehicles or with the authorisation of the trustees.

The Village Hall trustees appreciate that the gates may inconvenience some motorists, however, our duty is to provide a safe venue for Hall users.