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What links Fairfield, ITV and Sainsburys?

We are all TRUSTED PARTNERS of the /together coalition.

The /together coalition, exists to build a kinder, closer more connected communities.

The work that your Community Association does has been recognised, and we are currently the only village group that has been recognised as a trusted partner by the /together coalition, our logo appearing alongside the coalition’s other trusted & corporate partners. Our activities are being used as case studies to hopefully encourage other communities.

Along with the BBC, Bulb energy, HSBC, Scouts and other large organisations, we will be supporting Thank You Day on Sunday 2nd July, and we will be part of the launch on 15th March, so look out for our social media messages.

The /together coalition are coordinating the BIG HELP OUT, a day of volunteering (Monday 8th May) to help mark the King’s Coronation, and the King’s service to our nation. We encourage residents and others in our community to be part of this national initiative and support projects here in Fairfield or elsewhere – details of the Fairfield project will soon be shared.

To see the Fairfield logo appearing alongside other big corporate partners visit