A consultation on ward boundaries for Bromsgrove has begun
Today is the start of a ten-week public consultation, by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, inviting proposals for new council wards and ward boundaries for Bromsgrove District Council.
The consultation will close on 2 December 2024.
After the Commission have considered all representations made to them during this consultation, they intend to publish draft recommendations in May 2025.
The Commission will then hold a further period of consultation on their draft recommendations. The final recommendations are expected to be published in November 2025.
The new electoral arrangements will come into effect at the local elections in 2027.
What is an electoral review?
The electoral review will recommend new electoral arrangements for Bromsgrove District Council. They will propose:
- the total number of councillors elected to the council in the future;
- the number of wards;
- the number of councillors representing each ward;
- ward boundaries; and
- the names of wards.
How to get involved
This is a public consultation and the Commission welcomes views from individuals and organisations across Bromsgrove on where they think new ward boundaries should be drawn.
The Commission are minded to recommend that 31 councillors should be elected to Bromsgrove District Council in the future.
This is no change from the current number of councillors.
The Commission are now inviting proposals to help us draw up a pattern of wards to accommodate 31 councillors.
In drawing up new electoral wards, the Commission must balance three legal criteria, namely:
- to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the district;
- that the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;
- that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.
The Commission will treat all submissions equally, and judge each case on its merits and against the legal criteria.
If you wish to put forward a view, the Commission would also urge you to ensure that evidence supports your submission.
For example, if you wish to argue that two areas should be included in the same electoral ward, make sure you tell the Commission why they should be together, providing evidence about community facilities, ties, organisations, and amenities, rather than simply asserting that they belong together.
There is more advice on the Commission’s website about how you can get involved in the consultation.
The Commission’s website features technical guidance that explains the process and their policies, as well as guidance on how to take part in each part of the process.
They have also set up a webpage dedicated to the review of Bromsgrove, where you can find all the relevant information, access interactive maps of the current ward boundaries, and give your views.