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Home Fire Safety Visits & NEW online Home Fire Safety Checks

How safe are you? Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (HWFRS) have launched a new online Home Fire Safety Check and are encouraging everyone to complete one for them or a family member, friend or neighbour, to see how safe you are –

For those most at risk, partner agencies can complete a referral form for a Home Fire Safety Visit. A Home Fire Safety Visit is a FREE home safety visit that is tailored to an individual’s needs and is aimed at those who are more vulnerable such as the elderly, people living alone and those with reduced mobility. Further information can be found here Home Fire Safety Visit | Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service ( or you can contact the team on 0800 032 1155

Additionally, HWFRS are happy to visit with any groups/attend events to take face to face referrals or give fire safety talks, email: