Free Safe and Well Check

What is a Safe and Well Check?
A Safe and Well Check is a FREE home safety visit that is tailored to an individual’s needs. All residents over the age of 70 years are automatically eligible for a visit. Vulnerable residents are also eligible.
The visit, which is conducted by Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service, includes a home safety check to help reduce the risk of fire in the home, including the checking and fitting of smoke alarms where required. This includes alarms suitable for those with a hearing impairment and giving advice on a fire escape plan.
It will also identify any health and care needs that require signposting to local services to help ensure safety and wellbeing.
A Safe and Well Check maximises the opportunity to help individuals stay safe and independent and include advice on the following:
- Fire safety in the home
- Falls prevention
- Winter Warmth
- Social Isolation and loneliness
- Crime prevention
- Smoking
How can I arrange a Visit?
Contact the Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk team via their on-line form or call 0800 032 1155 for advice.