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Swan Lane Update

The Community Association has received the following update from Rachel Benson, Highways & Transport Control Centre Manager at Worcestershire County Council regarding the ongoing work to clear gullies along Swan Lane:

“With regard to Swan Lane, this is a typical rural road in Worcestershire.  There is a drainage issue in the ‘dip’ and it appears that the problem lies with the ditch (where the system discharges into) .  We needed permission from Cadent Gas to do work as there is a pipeline nearby and this resulted in a delay.  We are now focussing on drainage schemes and this location is, and always has been, included on the programme as an interim project.  As with all drainage/flooding work, our priority is always flooded property (houses) or where principal roads are affected.  In the case of Swan Lane, the A491 runs parallel with it and so there is an alternative, suitable route.  It is therefore not a high priority but, of course, we continue to monitor for any changes.
It is sometimes the case that gulley lids cannot be lifted because of salt, but that does not necessarily mean that there is or will be a problem.  Gullies that appear blocked (for example along the Stourbridge Road) can still be working effectively despite evidence of weeds/debris.  We are not aware of flooding or ponding water on this carriageway.  There was some initial confusion where our contractor advised us that the work on Stourbridge Road had been completed and this was not the case; I can only apologise for this.  Where this happens, we always examine lessons learned to minimise such events reoccurring.”