Suspicious Vehicle Activity
Last night (10th September) a car with 2 Asian men were acting very suspiciously around Fairfield. They parked in the Swan car park at the very top where it dark. One man came from Swan Lane and got in the car which then left. The car then appeared coming out of Swan Lane and returned to the car park at the top end again. This was happening between 11.15pm and 11.30pm.
At 11.45pm the car was parked in the driveway of Orchard Farm, with the engine running and just the driver. At midnight 2 men appeared from Swan Lane direction and got into the car which then drove off at speed.
This suspicious activity has been reported to the police, including the vehicle make (Dark Grey BMW) and a distinct registration number.
If you see similar or any suspicious activity:
Phone the Police, telephone 101 or if a crime is taking place 999
Share with the Community Association ( so that other residents can be made aware.