Scoping Opinion – Wildmoor Quarry
Seeking Comments – Scoping Opinion – Wildmoor Quarry, Sandy Lane, Worcestershire
Application Ref: 21/000043/SCO Grid Ref: (E) 395000, (N) 276000
Applicant: Wildmoor Quarry Products Limited
Proposal: Request for a Scoping Opinion for a consolidation Planning Application to address a Review of an Old Minerals Permission (ROMP), supported by an extension to existing mineral extraction and for the restoration of the site utilising in-situ soils and imported inert restoration material, supported by recycling activities.
Location: Wildmoor Quarry, Sandy Lane (A491), Near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
Worcestershire County Council as the Mineral Planning Authority has received a formal request from Kedd Limited (the agent) on behalf of Wildmoor Quarry Products Limited (the applicant) to adopt a Scoping Opinion for the above proposed development under Regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017 (as amended). Scoping seeks to ensure that the information to be provided in the Environmental Statement that will accompany the planning application, addresses the key effects of the proposed development and ensures that the principle concerns appropriate to the local area are addressed comprehensively.
The Scoping Opinion and relevant documents are available to view at using the application reference: 21/000043/SCO. When searching by application reference, please ensure that the full application reference number, including the suffix are entered into the search field.
The applicant is seeking the continuation of existing activities at the site and to extend phased quarrying activities on land to the west and south west of the application site, measuring approximately 11.29 hectares, to extract approximately 2.6 million tonnes of sand over a 13 year period, equating to approximately 200,000 tonnes per annum. The applicant is also seeking to facilitate the phased restoration of the site in an anti-clockwise direction utilising both in-situ material and approximately 3,220,000 tonnes of inert restoration material, equating to approximately 210,000 tonnes per annum over approximately 15 years and 3 months. The proposal also includes a material recycling facility (MRF) to recover approximately 1,071,000 tonnes of recycled materials from the imported Construction, Demolition & Excavation (CD&E) materials, equating to approximately 70,000 tonnes per annum.
The applicant states that not all land would be disturbed and/or operational at any one point in time.
The current permitted extraction area equates to approximately 16.64 hectares of land and the proposed combined application area would be approximately 27.93 hectares of land for mineral extraction. Two existing vehicular access points off Sandy Lane (A491) would remain unchanged.
The Mineral Planning Authority has only 5 weeks to adopt a Scoping Opinion, therefore, I would be grateful for your comments by 27 January 2022 at the latest. If I do not hear from you by this date I will assume you have no comments.
The agent appointed by Wildmoor Quarry Products Limited for this is:-
Kedd Limited
Fox Studio
King Street
Much Wenlock
TF13 6BL