Nominated Neighbour Scheme
Nominated Neighbour scheme is designed to deter cold callers and rogue traders and can help neighbours work together to give cold callers the cold shoulder.
A bright yellow Nominated Neighbour sticker, prominently displayed shows potential callers that their identity will be checked by a trusted neighbour and they will only been seen if accompanied by a known and trusted person.
All it takes is a neighbour, family friend or family member to agree to be nominated and any callers will be directed to them for their identity to be verified.
The scheme makes it clear to any callers that their identity will be checked, deterring those callers who are not genuine.
The nominated neighbour scheme is funded by West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner to help reduce doorstep crime. It is free and delivered to homes by the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership represented by Council Community Safety officers or your local police officers.
In addition to the Nominated Neighbour window sticker, a pack containing useful information on keeping safe is also provided as part of the scheme.
Further information and details of how to join the scheme can be made by contacting Community Safety at Bromsgrove District Council by calling on 01527 534187 or email at community