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Be s-careful this Halloween

West Mercia Police are asking those of you planning to take part in Halloween activities to be “s-careful” and follow Covid-19 regulations.

Whilst Halloween is going be different this year, for obvious reasons, we are sure that many of you are still hoping to seize the opportunity to have a good time.

Along with asking you to keep following the Coronavirus regulations (as the vast majority of you have been for the last eight months) we are also asking you to be “frightfully thoughtful” to those living around you. Some people, particularly those that live alone, can find parts of Halloween behaviour intimidating, so please be mindful of this. We have also produced our annual posters to help prevent visitors; these are available from our Safer Neighbourhood Teams and at the bottom of this page.

Chief Superintendent Sue Thomas said: “We want to get the balance right between ensuring everyone is doing their bit to prevent the spread of coronavirus by following the law whilst not stopping people from having a good, safe, time.

“As in previous years, we will have an increased number of officers on duty and will be carrying out additional high visibility patrols to ensure that anti-social behaviour remains low. We will also be engaging with those out and about and encouraging them to act responsibly and reminding them to follow Covid-19 laws. Where we need to though, we will take enforcement action.

“Perhaps most importantly, please remember that if you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been told to self-isolate you shouldn’t take part in any in-person Halloween festivities and shouldn’t give out sweets to trick-or-treaters. There are, however, lots of other ways that you can still make a memorable evening for your family.”