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A Courtesy Request

Are You Busy?  Do you get distracted?  If answered yes to one or both questions, then you are like many other people.  We live a rush, rush life.

Despite being in a hurry trying to get some where on time and juggling many things at the same time, can you take a few minutes to be:

  • Considerate when parking your vehicle.  Please do not block driveways, park on a junction or double park.  
    • For school traffic, PLEASE utilise the Swan Inn carpark, it is only a few minutes’ walk away. 
    • For non-school event traffic, PLEASE consider parking remotely and walking into the village or use public transport. 
    • Our village is on main road, used by local people, commuters, agricultural vehicles, lorries etc.  Inconsiderate parking leads to increased congestion & pollution levels, restricts legitimate vehicle movements and irritates others.  Considerate parking helps alleviate these issues and provides a stretch of the legs, which is good for physical & mental health well-being, plus the likelihood of damage to your vehicle (e.g. wing mirror gets knocked off) is reduced. 
  • Don’t drop litter.  We live in a village that many people like visiting because it is clean & tidy.  Often litter is dropped by accident or by a child that for a few moments was not thing of their consequences.  PLEASE think about the potential litter that you or your child could be creating.  If you give your child a bag of crisps, ask them to bring the empty bag to you.  If you see a bin that is full, take your rubbish home or to an empty bin.  Easy solutions that keep’s Fairfield a great place for you and others to visit.