Free Rollout of SmartWater® Kits – PLEASE ACTION
Free Rollout of SmartWater® Kits – PLEASE ACTION
Fairfield Village Community Association & Wildmoor Residents’ Association have teamed up with Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish Council and West Mercia Police to make Fairfield, Wildmoor & Stoneybridge a “We Don’t Buy Crime” community by supplying all households with a SmartWater® kit to protect their homes.
To be eligible for your FREE SmartWater® your house MUST be in the Fairfield Ward of Belbroughton & Fairfield Parish. If not, e.g. your house is in Wildmoor, Bournheath, please contact your Parish Council.
SmartWater® is an easy-to-apply liquid that enables the Police to trace valuables back to the owner. Full details of what’s Smart Water is visit What is SmartWater.
Two “drop-in sessions” are being held where villagers can collect their kits:
Wednesday 19th September 7pm – 9pm Village Hall (Barton Room – Enter by the rear side door)
Saturday 22nd September 10am – 2pm Village Hall
If you are unable to collect your kit on the above dates, please contact: email or tel. 01527 833583
Kits cannot be collected by people not residing at the address that the kit has been allocated to.
If you already have SmartWater® please do collect a second kit.
The Parish Council have obtained a grant from the Police Commissioner as well as part-funding the cost of the packs to provide them free of charge to all residents.
Our aim is to ensure that every household in Fairfield, Wildmoor & Stoneybridge is equipped with a SmartWater® pack.
Subject to 80% of dwellings sign and return the SmartWater® registration form, there will also be signage installed in the village to send a clear message to criminals that our community is united and determined to protect our valuables against acquisitive crime. It is, therefore, vital that all residential properties support this initiative to help make our community safer.
In addition to SmartWater® and the signage, we need vigilance to deter criminals from visiting our community, if you are suspicious that a crime is being committed in Fairfield, Wildmoor or Stoneybridge, please help your community and contact West Mercia Police to report it.
In an emergency use 999. However, for less urgent matters for example; if your car has been stolen, if your property has been damaged, if you suspect drug use or dealing; or to give the police information about crime in your area please ring 101.
To share your suspicions with others and raise an awareness so that others do not fall victim of being a crime, Fairfield Village Community Association is the verified Neighbourhood Watch Group for Fairfield & Stoneybridge.