Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Village Hall Village Hall Decorated for events to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Village Hall Village Hall Decorated for events to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Everyone enjoyed a glass or two, or three of Prosecco. Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Sandwiches & Cakes were freshly made by a team of volunteers Village Hall Decorated for events to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Decorated for events to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.Sandra Mabbett Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeFrom bottom left clockwise: Isobel Pearman, Meriel Scurrell and Eugene & Jenny Elijah Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeFrom bottom left clockwise: Luke (back, black shirt) & Ellie Wellings, Amanda & Brad Allen, Kay Stone & Paul Peacock (back, striped shirt) Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeFrom bottom clockwise: Josie Albutt (wearing hat), Averil Perks, Pat Turbutt & Pat Steward Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeKaren Winter (white top) Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeCarol Hine (centre) Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeMaggie (white hat), Pam Jones (middle0 & Carole Morris Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeKeith Morris Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeSteve Davis (wearing hat) Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeParents, Daughter & Grandchildren of Beverley & Geoff Cotterill Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Everyone stood and sung the National Anthem Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileeSandra & Alan Mabbett Fairfield Village Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee PC Lloyd Stone, the local community police officer, was invited and joined everyone to help celebrate the historic occasion. Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum JubileePC Lloyd Stone, Beverley Cotterill & grand-daughter Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee